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The Laravel starter application that feels like black magic

Carefully developed with attention to details, Laracadabra comes with all the features you need to build your next awesome project.


You will get a perfectly crafted Laravel 11 starter application, with Inertia.js, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS and PrimeVue.

Authentication & Authorization

  • Enable/disable registration of new users
  • Multiple registration strategies
  • Multiple authentication/confirmation methods
  • Manually add new users
  • Manage permissions and roles
  • Groups / teams with invitation system

Great Developer Experience

  • Helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion
  • Automatic scripts on composer install / update, to avoid forgetting things like clearing cached files or publishing updated assets
  • Useful comments to let you know what's going on in the code and guide you with tips and reminders

Admin area

  • Configure your app
  • Manage users
  • Privacy-friendly analytics (GDPR compliant)
  • Preview emails
  • Monitor your app (health status...)

Awesome UI & UX

  • Single Page Application: everything reacts fast
  • Beautiful and accessible components
  • Easy theme customization
  • 17 themes included by default
  • Perfect on any screen

Always up-to-date

  • Constantly synced with updates made in official Laravel app template
  • History kept in a changelog to allow you to update your project accordingly

Smart & magic

  • One-line installer
  • Useful artisan commands and helper functions
  • Everything "just works" with default configuration

Billing system

  • One-Time payments
  • Sell digital products (ability to define a period of validity, great to manage licenses)
  • Monthly subscriptions (unlike with Spark, users can have multiple active at the same time)

Automatic backups

  • Periodically export backups of database and files to AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, or any other filesystem supported by Laravel

Just say the words...

... and let the magic happen!

About us and this project

Hi there, I'm Anthony, and this is my wife, Alejandra.
As a software developer for more than 10 years, I've built many applications, whether for myself (side projects) or for my clients. Now, together with my wife, we have decided to start a new entrepreneurial adventure.

After quite a few ideas and iterations that did not work out, we realized that we already had something of great value that could help other people build their projects and save A LOT of time. That's how Laracadabra was born! The idea is to gather all my developer “secret weapons” and make the go-to Laravel starter application, that allows anyone to quickly and easily launch an app like a pro.

We have started many projects, and we know that the whole process of building an app can take a lot of time. But time being your best commodity, you need to be able to validate your ideas fast.

Laracadabra is the result of years of Laravel expertise, iterations, and fine-tuning. It's so easy to set up, that it feels like sorcery!

Laracadabra also saves you a lot of money, as it includes everything most applications need to get started (and even more). We bundle plenty of features and minimize the need to pay for external services.

Our application will get you started as fast as possible, and will scale as you need. We provide you with the “just works” effect, allowing you to focus on what really matters: put your idea out there and bring in the cash!

We are close to releasing the first version. Sign up to be notified and enjoy a launch discount!

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